Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Happy Chinese New Year!!!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
counting down the days…
3 days.. Just 3 more days and I’ll be off to my dreamland, Italy.. It’s indeed a dream comes true.. Despite the fact that today is CHINESE NEW YEAR EVE, my mind seems to be preoccupied with my forthcoming trip to Italy.. I took my hygiene exam on the 15th. Since then, I’ve been rightfully enjoying my winter break with total abstinence from exam stress.. Cleaning up and working out.. Sorting through and running around..
Having the presumption that my long-awaited trip’s weeks away, I kind of lost track of time.. Took a glance at my calendar this morning, it was only then I realized that I’ll be heading to Italy this coming Thursday!!! I’m absolutely longing for Italy..
For the past ten days I’ve been doing my homework, planning my dream trip.. I did some reading and was looking for every possible information I could get so as to plan a perfect trip for both zhi and i..
With a map of the destination spread out before me, flanked by travel guide, checklists, and flight itinerary, it is impossible to not feel the thrill.. ^.^

Having the presumption that my long-awaited trip’s weeks away, I kind of lost track of time.. Took a glance at my calendar this morning, it was only then I realized that I’ll be heading to Italy this coming Thursday!!! I’m absolutely longing for Italy..
For the past ten days I’ve been doing my homework, planning my dream trip.. I did some reading and was looking for every possible information I could get so as to plan a perfect trip for both zhi and i..
With a map of the destination spread out before me, flanked by travel guide, checklists, and flight itinerary, it is impossible to not feel the thrill.. ^.^

Saturday, January 24, 2009
confessions of a neat freak!
Some say, people who are neat are helpless to be otherwise, they’re prisoners of it. I couldn’t agree more with this statement as I myself is a neatness lover, or more precisely, a neat freak. I’m not just particular about immaculate neatness, exactness, perfect order and faultless arrangement of things but I’m actually obsessed with it..
As well as liking my room to be permanently clean, as a neat freak, i like to have every element of my life tidy and in order. For instance, all my clothes, scarves, gloves, socks etc will have to be neatly folded and stacked up and organized by categories. And from time to time, I do classify and sub-classify things, in complex ways. I just can’t help it!
Of course, unlike people with OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), which is a true disease, i don’t repetitively and obsessively clean things but I can also get upset when something is out of order because for me, order equals control, and hence security.
To be honest, I do drive myself crazy because of my perfectionism and fastidiousness. Sometimes I just want to take a break from the constant pressure of cleanliness and sit down to relax.. It’s not easy though..
John Ratey, professor of psychiatry at Harvard University, says that hyper-concern about order could be a "shadow syndrome" of OCD, a mild and indistinct, perhaps even undetectable expression of the more severe disorder. OCD has to be at a level where it interferes with a person's functioning, while neat freaks can often function well.
Perhaps, you know people who develop over-the-top anxiety to things that don’t deserve it, like knickknacks on a shelf, and even when sick or exhausted with fatigue would get out of bed if they see a speck of dirt on their television. I admit, unclean, dusty or out-of-place objects do cause disquietude for me, but I haven’t gone that far into the pathological side. In fact I’m learning to tolerate the anxiety that arises from the obsession of cleanliness and the result is the obsession has gradually loosened its grip, which is a relief for me.. ^.^

By the way, I was quite surprised to find out that there’s such an article about how to be a neat freak on wikiHow. Check this out if you’re interested.. ^.^
As well as liking my room to be permanently clean, as a neat freak, i like to have every element of my life tidy and in order. For instance, all my clothes, scarves, gloves, socks etc will have to be neatly folded and stacked up and organized by categories. And from time to time, I do classify and sub-classify things, in complex ways. I just can’t help it!
Of course, unlike people with OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), which is a true disease, i don’t repetitively and obsessively clean things but I can also get upset when something is out of order because for me, order equals control, and hence security.
To be honest, I do drive myself crazy because of my perfectionism and fastidiousness. Sometimes I just want to take a break from the constant pressure of cleanliness and sit down to relax.. It’s not easy though..
John Ratey, professor of psychiatry at Harvard University, says that hyper-concern about order could be a "shadow syndrome" of OCD, a mild and indistinct, perhaps even undetectable expression of the more severe disorder. OCD has to be at a level where it interferes with a person's functioning, while neat freaks can often function well.
Perhaps, you know people who develop over-the-top anxiety to things that don’t deserve it, like knickknacks on a shelf, and even when sick or exhausted with fatigue would get out of bed if they see a speck of dirt on their television. I admit, unclean, dusty or out-of-place objects do cause disquietude for me, but I haven’t gone that far into the pathological side. In fact I’m learning to tolerate the anxiety that arises from the obsession of cleanliness and the result is the obsession has gradually loosened its grip, which is a relief for me.. ^.^

By the way, I was quite surprised to find out that there’s such an article about how to be a neat freak on wikiHow. Check this out if you’re interested.. ^.^
Friday, January 23, 2009
今天醒来, 睁开眼时, 时间已是中午12点38分.. 其实自从15号考完hygiene后, 几乎每一天都是这个时候睡醒.. 这已持续一个星期多了吧.. 因每晚都很迟睡.. 心想现在既然是假期, 就好好让自己放肆, 用轻松愉快的心情去享受这美好的冬假, 纵容自己暂时过着没有规律的生活.. 但终觉担心, 自己好不容易养成早睡早起的生活作息, 一直保持着10点睡5点醒的生态时钟, 会不会因此而乱了呢? 看来, 今天开始要让自己适应回正常的睡眠时间了, 不然开学后, 后果将会很严重..

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
10 steps to become a better writer
1. Write.
2. Write more.
3. Write even more.
4. Write even more than that.
5. Write when you don’t want to.
6. Write when you do.
7. Write when you have something to say.
8. Write when you don’t.
9. Write every day.
10. Keep writing.
2. Write more.
3. Write even more.
4. Write even more than that.
5. Write when you don’t want to.
6. Write when you do.
7. Write when you have something to say.
8. Write when you don’t.
9. Write every day.
10. Keep writing.
Was just simply browsing the net and I came across this.. Think it’s kinda cute and funny.. And quite true actually ^.^
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
with a little faith...
A dog named Faith has had it rough all her life but she eventually learned to walk upright on only two legs. She has demonstrated a remarkable resiliency in overcoming physical abnormalities and serious mobility problems, and has become a source of inspiration to many..
Faith's life was saved at the early age of only four weeks from her guard dog mother who was literally terminating her life because she was unable to battle the other puppies for a place to feed. She was born with only three legs and one of them that was seriously deformed had to be surgically removed when she was seven months old.
Thanks to the care of her adoptive owners Faith managed to survive and grow into an amazing dog. She has adapted and learned to walk and hop by using only her two remaining legs. According to her owners, although it was a very difficult process, it was also natural, using a skateboard to acclimate her to movement and peanut butter as an incentive.
Faith’s owners have started the With Little Faith Foundation and they take Faith on a round-the-world entourage to showcase to the world that one can have a perfect soul without a perfect body..

And yet we think we are the ones going through difficult times!

So, let’s learn to be thankful for everyday and live life to the fullest!!!

Wasn’t sure earlier whether I should post this or not because many of you may have already seen this before. I decided to do it because it’s really a touching story and I’m so glad to see that Faith is loved by everyone.. ^.^
Here's Faith's official website..
Sunday, January 4, 2009
LoVe LoVe LoVe...
Honestly, i am absolutely obsessed with everything to do with "love".. I mean heart-shaped objects.. If you look carefully, you'll notice that "love" is everywhere. It can be an embroidered patchwork cushion with heart-shaped design, heart-shaped bracelet, heart-shaped keychain, heart-shaped cookies, heart-shaped straws or even heart-shaped exhaust tail pipe trim!!!

Amazing, isn't it?

Shop owner Emiko Sakurada said it was the first time a puppy with the marks had been born out of a thousand she had bred.
She had no plans to sell the puppy, which has been named "Heart-kun".
Cute huh? How i wish i could have one too ^.^

Amazing, isn't it?
But this is something you have never seen before..
Chihuahua puppy born with love-heart pattern in fur..

A puppy has been born in Japan with a large, clear, love-heart-shaped pattern in his coat.

The chihuahua was born in May as one of a litter to a breeder.

Shop owner Emiko Sakurada said it was the first time a puppy with the marks had been born out of a thousand she had bred.

She had no plans to sell the puppy, which has been named "Heart-kun".

Friday, January 2, 2009
"omg!!!" this is the first word that comes to my mind as i'm writing.. as for the past 23 years, i never thought of writing a BLOG.. i always thought that i can never write.. i was a copycat, an editor, but never a writer..
but here i am now, writing my very first blog..
why now? cause i was inspired by bloggers around me, esp my sis and zhi.. i always admire bloggers, and i just hope i can be like them, writing down things that are worth remembering, things that make me laugh and cry, and sharing my thoughts with people who'll read my blog..
so let me introduce myself..
i'm a medical student studying in NNSMA (kinda old-fashioned huh?)
i'm a perfectionist.. (shh.. most people actually think that perfectionists are losers..)
i'm a dog-person..
i'm a neat freak..
erm, what else? nvm.. i think these are enough to describe myself..
oh yeah, i'm now a BLOGGER too! yay.. i'm so excited ^.^

so i think that's all for today.. tata! ^.^
but here i am now, writing my very first blog..
why now? cause i was inspired by bloggers around me, esp my sis and zhi.. i always admire bloggers, and i just hope i can be like them, writing down things that are worth remembering, things that make me laugh and cry, and sharing my thoughts with people who'll read my blog..
so let me introduce myself..
i'm a medical student studying in NNSMA (kinda old-fashioned huh?)
i'm a perfectionist.. (shh.. most people actually think that perfectionists are losers..)
i'm a dog-person..
i'm a neat freak..
erm, what else? nvm.. i think these are enough to describe myself..
oh yeah, i'm now a BLOGGER too! yay.. i'm so excited ^.^
so i think that's all for today.. tata! ^.^
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