Friday, February 13, 2009

a letter to mom…

Mom, I don’t tell you this often enough, but I really love you. You’re such an important person in my life, and I appreciate all that you do for me. Thanks for all the sacrifices you’ve made. Please know that they don’t go unnoticed..

Mom, you’re my
♥ friend
♥ companion
♥ shopping partner
♥ fashion consultant
♥ dance instructor
♥ maker of coco pudding
♥ hug giver

♥ listener of stories, songs and dreams
♥ sharer of secrets
♥ nurse and doctor
♥ wiper of tears
♥ calmer of fears
♥ mender of broken heart and bruised ego
♥ molder of personalities
♥ advice giver

♥ role model
♥ guardian angel… and LOVE !!!

Happy Birthday to you, Mom!
I love you and miss you so much… ^.^


  1. My dear,
    Words can make or break a relationship,
    Yours, so loving and touching,
    Moved me to tears beyond words,
    Filled my heart with love....

    All the sacrifices are worth it,
    I count myself lucky and I thank God
    I have YOU..................

    Love U & Miss U, too

    p/s: U have left out banker(0% interest)in the list, eh? Hehe...

    "A mother is someone who dreams great dreams for you,
    but then she lets you chase the
    dreams you have for yourself and loves you just the same."
    Author Unknown
