Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Sweet Getaway

Elllo! So Zhi and I finally got ourselves heading on a short trip to the capital on 17th September. It was Ryna's Wedding day. Started our journey at 5.30 am and we arrived just in time for the wedding.

To make the best of travel time, I applied my makeup during the car ride. Needless to say, it was quite the experience, but it didn't look like a total train wreck when I was done, so I suppose it's alright.

Me and the gorgeous bribe!

It was only a day trip, but Zhi and I were glad to get to spend some time alone, and date for the rest of the day!

And finally ... ta-da! I got myself a new pink lace umbrella that I've always wanted. :)

1 comment:

  1. ur blog is so sweet! likes the pictures we took and the last one...hehe! With Loves, from Zhi...hugz!
